Monday, August 14, 2017

Never Growing Up ~ My journey from a mundane adult life, to rediscovering and honoring my inner child

Where did this idea come from?
I have spent the last 11 months everyday with my little guy. He has given me more motivation to move forward than I could have ever expected. I watch him learn new things everyday, discovering the world around him with such excitement, wide eyes, bright spirit, and not backing down for anyone (much to my dismay sometimes)....
The other day it came to me, that this journey is NOT for me to guide him, to teach him how to be the person I, or the world, wants him to be… but rather maybe this journey is for ME to learn from him! Maybe I am supposed to see the world through his eyes, through his excitement for a while, and to allow my inner child to return to the surface!
Whoa! What a crazy way of thinking, and I am sure if I shared this with anyone they would think I was crazy… or would they? Would the people who are really aligned with me, who are meant to be in my world think this was an amazing idea. Would they be inspired to follow suit?

Well this is me taking a big bold wild chance that it is the latter. If what I have said so far has struck a chord with you I hope you will follow along my journey. I hope you will share your own life experiences, you will join my community, my tribe of people joining together to honor their true selves, to allow themselves to dream big, to break down the walls. It is my hope for myself as well as for you that we are able to reconnect with our inner child, that one who used to dream of being a write, an artist, a musician, a world traveler, or whatever else excites you!

I will share my experiences, my struggles, lessons learned, ways I have begun to break down my own blocks, to release ideas passed down to me- but that are not serving me and I wish to let go of.
I hope these writings are informational, inspirational, funny, and down to earth. I am here to continue my journey, to find my way, and maybe just maybe inspire you on yours as I go.

Welcome! I can’t wait to get to know you more!


 I spent most of this holiday season attempting to make this year amazing for my kids and myself. It felt so different this year for all of ...