Monday, November 6, 2023

A Call To Write

 For years now I have felt a call to write. And yet I hardly ever have, because I guess I am worried I don't have anything to share, at least not anything worth while, anything anyone else would want to read. So I just don't. 

And yet I feel called to do just that, write, again and again and again. So here I am. Ready to write, and share, and express myself in a way I have never truly allowed myself to before. 

Not in hopes of gaining followers, selling a product, or any other mainstream reason. I am here to write and share my life- that's it. 

Maybe someone will resonate with it, maybe not. Maybe no one will ever read this except me- and that is fine. 

But here, on the verge of my 40th birthday, tired of wanting to do something and holding myself back for whatever fear or reason I choose to blame that day. I am ready to simply share myself, who I am, what I love to do, and how I live my life. 

So what can you expect to see here? Well I hope to write sharing my life, so who am I? 

I am a stay at home mom to 2 amazing kiddos. I also homeschool my oldest (youngest isn't school age yet). I am an avid reader, mostly easy reads because let's be honest I my life is hectic enough I just want a feel good book! I love a good series and am always sad when they are done. I run most days of the week both because I love to, and because it is the only thing that really helps me to clam my mind and let go of anxiety. I love being outdoors and have a passion for the beach and the mountains. I went to college for photography and will always have a camera with me, though these days the camera reel is filled with more candid family photos than jaw dropping landscapes - but I do still sneak those in to. I love to crochet and knit, as well as paint- something I sadly haven't done in years but do desperately want to get back in to. I was a yoga teacher for several years, and sometimes consider picking up a class or two again- but maybe a bit more in the future. I LOVE holidays, decorating, and planning over the top kid parties. 

I am creative at heart, a homebody, I love a big cup of coffee in the morning and a nice glass of wine at night. 

So what does all of this mean? I am an eclectic person- and you can expect a bit of everything here. I am tired of trying to narrow myself down or focus on one thing- because honestly that just doesn't work for me. (Never has)

So welcome! If you actually read all that maybe you will enjoy my ramblings. I hope so. 


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